
During the last years I took several photos.
The ones I like very much are and will be posted on my photoblog.
Jan 0
Jan 0


Description Diploma Thesis and Prototype of an Interaction Concept for Digital Sketching as a Tool for Creating and Extending Ontologies for Non-Experts. Awarded in 2013 with the ‚Best Demo Award‘ at i-Know ’13 the 13th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologies. Period 10/2012 – 07/2013 Tags Digital Sketching Android Java Androjena OWL RDF/RDFS […]

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Jan 0
Jan 0

Digital Museum Guide

Description Digital Museum Guide for the art exhibition “Im Netzwerk der Moderne – Kirchner, Braque, Kandinsky, Klee … Richter, Bacon, Altenbourg und ihr Kritiker Will Grohmann” (26th September 2012 – 6th January 2013 in Dresden, Germany) Period 08/2012 – 09/2012 Team Developed in a group of six students my shares in: ui/ux design and implementation […]

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Jan 0
Jan 0

Private art collection of Will Grohmann

Description Conception, design and implementation of a MultiTouch-Program for the art exhibition “Im Netzwerk der Moderne – Kirchner, Braque, Kandinsky, Klee … Richter, Bacon, Altenbourg und ihr Kritiker Will Grohmann” (26th September 2012 – 6th January 2013 in Dresden, Germany) Project work of the minor Art and Design final examination. Period 10/2010 – 04/2011 (prototype) […]

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Jan 0
Jan 0

Reconstruction of The First General German Art Exhibition 1946 Dresden

Description Computer-graphical and art historical reconstruction of the above-mentioned art exhibition in the form of a 3D-MultiTouch-Program for the art exhibition “Im Netzwerk der Moderne – Kirchner, Braque, Kandinsky, Klee … Richter, Bacon, Altenbourg und ihr Kritiker Will Grohmann” (26th September 2012 – 6th January 2013 in Dresden, Germany) Honorable mentioned by the ‚Ferdinand-Möller-Stiftung‘ in […]

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Jan 0
Jan 0

Mobile Interaction for Public Displays in Public Transport

Description Prototype of an Interaction Concept for Mobile Devices and Public Displays in Public Transport. Awarded in 2012 as ‚Best Student Work‘ of the last 2 years at the chair of Software Engineering of Ubiquitous Systems at the Faculty of Computer Science at the TU Dresden. Period 05/2011 – 09/2011 Technologies Distributed Application Wireless Communication […]

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Jan 0
Jan 0

Schwimmclub Plauen von 2006 e.V.

Description Unpaid reconception, design and implementation of the website of a swimclub with about 200 members under use of a content management system. Period 08/2010 – 01/2011 Technologies CMS Typo3 HTML CSS jQuery RSS Link SC Plauen 2006 e.V. –

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Jan 1
Jan 1

Web portal for the Standard of Computer Science Education

Description Database-founded collection of tasks and tools for computer science classes in secondary schools. Period 10/2009 – 06/2010 Team Redesigned and refined in a group of seven students my shares in: project administration, ui/ux design, implementation and testing work Technologies PHP MySQL HTML CSS jQuery Ajax Links

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Jan 0
Jan 0

Visual Data Mining

Description Processing-based Software, which combines an amount of information about branches, companies and employees from several internet sources in an aesthetically appealing way for exploration and inspiration. Period 10/2009 – 03/2010 Team Developed in a group of seven students my shares in: conception, screendesign and implementation Technologies Information Visualization Processing Java Data Mining Cooperation T-Systems […]

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Jan 0
Jan 0


Description The SurfaceReader is a prototype of a Microsoft Surface application for collaborative work. You can read and mark synchronously in documents together with your teammembers on the Microsoft Surface. Period 2 weeks in October 2009 Team in a Team of two (together with Matthias Müller) Technologies Multitouch Microsoft Surface (Pixelsense) C# .NET XAML WPF […]

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Jan 0
Jan 0

Metadata visualization of photos

Description Experimental application as an exercise of the lecture ”Media Design for Advancers” to discover your photos within several colours associated to the metadata of the photo. Period 04/2009 – 07/2009 Technologies Information Visualization Metadata Exif ActionScript 3 XML

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